[list poem]

An unclassified brig, in pastel blues and reds, nobody really cares

A Yorktown-class, the first big "E", famous for her Pacific exploits

An Enterprise-class, the second big "E", the first of her kind

An XCV-type, almost apocryphal, an inspiration for stories for decades

A Constitution-class, the standard by which all are measured, treasured

An Enterprise-class, not really but we all know she should have been

An Excelsior-class, progeny of The Great Experiment, wasn't ready until Tuesday

An Ambassador-class, revered for bringing the peace at the highest cost

A Galaxy-class, the flagship of the fleet, the face of things to come

A Sovereign-class, the jewel of modernity, movement solidified

A Universe-class, the murky future none of us hopes to see


Janus of Adaptability


An Ode to Emma